Summer School of sculpting, drawing and painting

Art & Recreation

Ernst Johannes Wittkowski

He works and lives in Vienna. Since 2002 he has been following his passion for sculpting and art. He started the artistic work with stone during his training as an art therapist.

Biographical data

Born 1949 in Austria. Studied pedagogy, psychology, sociology and philosophy at the College of Education in Bonn. Training as an art therapist at the Cologne School for Art Therapy. Further artistic training with Hubert Kirchgässner. Foundation, development and longstanding management of the Vienna School for Art Therapy.

Professional fields of work

Teacher for art therapy and artistic advanced training.

Lecturer and mentor at the Vienna School for Art Therapy, also see

Art therapist in private practice. Phronetic art therapy support, advising and supervision of clients of all ages.

A selection of his sculptures

Please visit his artist website for more about his approach and sculptures: